German Language

Welcome to the homepage of
Regionalgruppe der Übersetzer / Dolmetscher Darmstadt


We are a network of professional translators and interpreters from the Darmstadt/Rhine-Main area of Germany. All our members have professional qualifications and belong either to BDÜ (the German Association of Translators and Interpreters) or another association in our field.

We offer the following services:

Translator - Ü

Unlike interpreting, translation involves written texts, both general and specialized.

Certified translator / official translator - §Ü

This indicates the translation of official documents and certificates by a sworn translator or official translator, who then certifies the translation.

Interpreting / Interpretation - D

Unlike translation, interpreting involves the oral transmission of spoken language. Interpreting can be roughly divided into two types: simultaneous and consecutive interpreting.

Court interpreting / Interpreting at official proceedings - §D

This involves interpretation by a sworn interpreter or an official interpreter

Conference interpreting / conference interpretation - KD

Conference interpreting (simultaneous using a booth, or consecutive) is generally used at larger events